Increase EBITDA with simplified financial operations

Reduce the time spent on administrative tasks by automating back office tasks across billing, collections, and accounting.

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More automation, less administration

Retail agencies can grow efficiency with a single platform for billing, collecting, and reconciling for both agency and direct billed policies.

Repurpose valuable time away from menial tasks

Stop spending time moving money between trust and operational accounts by automatically splitting commissions from premiums and funding carriers directly.


Generate more revenue with premium financing

No policy is too small - easily offer pay-in-full and financing options - all without chasing down signatures, down payments, or PFAs.

Improve revenue with instant commissions

Invest more into your agency when you receive commissions when a policy sold, not months later.

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Automatically reconcile commission statements

Reduce labor and BPO expenses by automatically parsing and reconciling direct bill commission statements in the same tool you manage agency billed policies.